Meet Katherine
I BELIEVE that our government can work together to get legislation passed, to move projects FORWARD. I believe the time for excuses to halt progress is long past. Public servants should serve the public.

Building a Brighter Future
With over 30 years of experience in Finance, Budgeting and Grant compliance, I have learned how to stretch a dollar. Running my own trucking company in an intense industry, diplomacy has become my strong suit. I have also worked as project manager on FEMA projects, run audits on Hospitals, Cities, Schools and worked with other entities under CPA guidelines. I intend to work for, and audit, our legislature with the same fervor.
I will work to keep expenses down and manage the budget without leaving people behind. I support bringing trades back into our schools, bringing back Craftmanship. I support measures for Affordable Housing, NOW. Zoning corrections, thoughtful city planning, and affordable resources to improve and maintain our roads with Out-of-the-Box thinking.
Email me at : katherine@ramseyforassembly.com
Text me at :
Write me or send a Donation by CHECK to:
3827 Carson St Box 62 / Carson City, NV 89701
Make a Donation via Credit Card at ActBlue:
About Katherine
I was raised by an ambitious single mother, well below poverty line. Although Nevada is more progressive than most for women in office, I believe we need more working-class Americans in office. The voices of those in need, need a loudspeaker ~ I hope to BE that VOICE, and a true public servant in office.
As a mother to six, with three grown LGBTQ+ children in a Blended Family, I am astounded by the generation coming up. We need to show them the government SHOULD represent them and that it CAN work.
Katherine Ramsey for Assembly
Carson City Nevada